Feeling a little broken today

Some days are just easier than others when it comes to putting the pieces together in a new way.

Blessing for a Broken Vessel

Do not despair,

you hold the memory

of what it was

to be whole.

It lives deep

in your bones.

It abides in your heart

that has been torn and mended

a hundred times.

It persists in your lungs 

that know the mystery 

of what it means 

to be full,

to be empty,

to be full again. 

I am not asking you

to give up your grip

on the shards you clasp

so close to you,

but to wonder

what it would be like

for those jagged edges

to meet each other

in some new pattern

that you have never imagined,

that you have never dared to dream.


Taken from The Painted Prayer Book. http://paintedprayerbook.com


~ by gonefishindd5 on April 17, 2014.

3 Responses to “Feeling a little broken today”

  1. Very powerful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. thanks for sharing Diane!! We love you tons! we all have something that helps hold us together-and I love when we can share that with eachother & love eachother through this journey in life! Melissa Taylor

    Liked by 1 person

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